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19yr old white trans-girl puppy switch | it/pup/she/he transphobic, racist and autistic, i will misgender you. WP TND etc. etc. | had an account on here before that is deleted now sowwy :3 | will not sub to non-white shitskins or ftms you all deserve to be raped and snuffed < 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------obligatory statement so i dont get banned: this is a fantasy account. 0596d02a59cec26626c6806ea664c8ee5107efbe3c7aca28754508bce59b9c874a

its consistently very funny when white people block me or refuse to dm me for posting raceplay stuff because even the non-whites ive talked to who have it as a limit have just like, asked me to degrade them about something else.

Slowly stretching me out and stroking my cock to cover up the pain~ making my mind melt.  I don't even remember what I was arguing him with about anymore... all I know is that this chink wants more of his big white cock~

mmm mooooo~, I'm just an inferior chink cow~

Why even bother trying?
